Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Maybe I'm trying too hard to find what I want to be missing.

Looking into the distance, surrounding myself with endless possibilities and a horizon awaiting my conquer, I stand. I stand with my feet planted deep into the sand searching for destiny. Stagnant, I see my dreams on the surface of the water surrounding my feet, I see my goals floating on each cloud. As I try to extend my hand, it seems as if those goals and aspiration fly further and further away from my reach. I run towards the clouds that grow smaller and smaller as it makes its way in the distance, but I continue to run not allowing myself to be taken by the current. The fight for something never seemed so difficult to overcome. Tired and weak, I find myself head deep into the ocean - feet no longer touching sand.

...Luckily, I know how to swim [:

I'm officially done with my first year of my college career. Damn, does this go by fast! Where did all the time go? On the other hand, I'm happy to say that I'm proud of how I lived this past school year. Digging deeper holes and finding a number of awkward escapes never seemed so exciting. I'm privileged to have met the all the beautiful and intellectual minds Cal Poly has to offer to me. I feel so blessed to be able to utilize and share my thoughts and feelings with those who have complete different perspectives and from there expose myself to a world that lives beyond my years and exceeds my every expectations. I've been surrounded by people who never cease to educate and minds who never stop to wonder. And for that, I will forever be in debt. So thank you. Thank you to all those who I've had the opportunity to meet and get to know; each one of you have opened a new door and have introduced new characters to yet another chapter in my life. Regardless if you and I lose contact with one another or God forbid, something else happens and I haven't gotten to personally say this to you - you've changed my life and a piece of my heart will always be with you.

This summer is going to be different. Employed, independent, and wiser - the world awaits. I'm going to miss everyone and I'm going to try my best to make sure my time is spent with you. But as we know, time waits for no one and all we could do is live. So for starting off the summer season, everyone have fun, get dark, get drank, get that cash, study those books, meet those people, be responsible, find yourselves and remember that I'm always just one call, one comment, one email, one aim, one visit away [:

1 comment:

  1. UMMMM i can swim too..

    but the moment i can't feel the sand.. i'm going to start having a panic attack in the water and i'll start screaming and crying and kicking and flailing my arms everywhere.. then i'm going to look like a pwnt n00b who has to get taken back to shore by the lifeguard and his/her big red floaty thing.
