Saturday, May 23, 2009

Back to

..square one.

I found the paradise I've always dreamt of. I found the happy place I was most comfortable being in. After going in circles, encountering deep ditches and mixed up signs I finally found the place inside of me where I knew I should always be. ...And then I lost it. I lost my mind. I lost any kind of feeling. I lost my reasonable side. I became numb.

You encounter Experience with the ultimate goal of defeating the challenge and growing from the lesson. That Experience can either make you or break you. ...And lately, I've been letting it break me all together. I've taken a different route, I've made some ground breaking decisions and I've come to the conclusion that I am no longer in that paradise I've longed to be in. Now... I'm back to square one. But it isn't the same square one as before. It's different. Unfamiliar to the naked eye -- it seeks and kills. I'm back at the beginning not knowing where to start. If only it were easier to know exactly where to start, maybe this whole "finding yourself" ordeal wouldn't have to be so damn difficult. But what in life is easy? Nothing. I know. It's knowing where to start that kills me inside. It's the reason why I'm left standing here. Stagnant and isolated from my own mind, emotions run indifferent carrying with it nothing but an empty and life-less body. Confused and unhappy, making careless and immature decisions to fulfill temporary satisfaction never was so easily achieved until now.

"Why you gotta judge?"
-"Because it's easy."

One of the best come-backs I've heard so far, I must admit. Judge me. I have no problem with it. Show me what I really am. Tell me who you think I'm becoming. Raise the bar of expectation. Lower the bar of expectation. You have the ability to do whatever. But all I ask of you is to not compare me to the person I was. People change. People grow. People learn. Some just take a little longer to realize truth. And others, well others need that extra time to search for their lost keys. I've grown to learn that nothing in life is consistent. Survival of the Fittest -- it's an amazing concept that should be recognized throughout the study of life. I'm at that downward spiral staircase in life where the negative side of curiosity presents itself. Choosing not to take the hand of others who reach out, I feel as though this battle with myself is a challenge that requires only two players.

So forgive me if I come up short and fail to reach the bare minimum. Realize that this is who I am now and depending ultimately on you... choose to stay or choose to leave. I would understand if you left, I honestly wouldn't have a problem. Not saying that you aren't anything to me or that you haven't contributed greatly in the happiness I once enjoyed so freely, it's just... right now, call me selfish but right now it's all about me. As conceited and as self centered as that may sound I need to concentrate on my own development. I need to concentrate on where I need to be. I need to focus my attention and energy in getting that foot to move at least one step forward.

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