Monday, August 17, 2009


Maybe I'm supposed to take a break from writing down my thoughts in 2009 and focus my attention elsewhere. Where? I have no idea. But it seems as if I've lost my motivation for taking note of what's going on around me. Maybe when the school year starts and I start to see less of my best friend as she goes off to school I'll have more to talk about. This summer's been about work.

Things I want to accomplish before 2009:

- clean room, throw out/give away old clothes, purses, stuffed animals
- find a job & get a taste of some kind of cash flow
- buy a Nikon (Nikon D60 08/01/09)
- learn how to do my own make-up: eye shadow & everything
- Gym membership
- be enrolled as a full time student
- receive nothing lower than a B in all classes
- buy another pair of Rainbows
- shopping: clothes, boots, shoes
- dedicate time to Paul James
- take dance classes
- Disneyland Deluxe Pass
- decorate the walls in my room
- develop pictures from my first year in College
- lose 14lbs
- find another job
- improve my picture taking ability
- keep up with HIMYM season5
- attend competitions, club events, fundraisers, etc
- change/decide on a major!!!

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